I have it all figured out, don’t you?

Who really has it figured out anyway? Ha! Anyone who says they have it “all figured out” is probably fibbing both to you and themselves. Unfortunately, daily, monthly, and yearly bumps and blockades are just part of life, but our reactions and taking advantage of these growing opportunities make the difference. And even then, we might “mess” that up, too,…

How can Changing your Perspective Bring you Inner Peace?

Can changing your Perspective bring you, Inner Peace? If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Dr. Wayne Dyer Perspective Perspective is the way that you see something. It’s your point of view. For instance, if you think that toys corrupt children’s minds, then a toy shop is an evil place from your…

Journaling and 3 other Healthy Ways To Release your Emotions

We all get angry and frustrated. It’s a natural part of life, and it’s okay to feel exasperated sometimes. The problem isn’t with the emotion itself. The problem is in how you express it. We’ve heard examples of getting our frustrations out physically – like punching your pillow, screaming at the top of your lungs, or when I was younger,…

Are You Vulnerable? – What Is Our Risk of Leaving up Walls?

How do you protect your vulnerability? Has your mind built a complete fort with tall cement walls surrounding you for your “protection”? What barriers have you created that are intended to keep you “safe”? Or I suppose the better question is, why do you have walls in the first place? Are they there to shield yourself from a negative statement…

What are the Powerful Benefits to Know & Understand your Confidence?

What is Confidence? Definition of confidence: A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. A sense and belief that someone or something is right and can succeed. The feeling of being sure that something will happen or that something is true. Merriam-Webster Confidence is a necessary trait in life that helps you go further. It…

Practicing Gratitude Every Day will help Bring us Towards Inner Peace

The practice of gratitude takes discipline. But it is such an important self-love exercise that we should work on it every day. Even if it’s not part of your routine, you probably give thanks and are grateful during celebrations and holidays. The most obvious holiday, of course, is Thanksgiving. Holidays … Oh, how I love Thanksgiving! This wonderful holiday is…

How do you Successfully Purge with Purpose?

Clutter creates Chaos! Purge rhymes with urge, and when you have a powerful urge to throw stuff away or clean something out, you have an urge to purge. From the Latin purgare, meaning “purify,” purge is used as a verb for removing impure things, whether they are items we no longer use or guilty feelings in a person or even simply rotten vegetables in a refrigerator….

Continuing our Journey – the next 50 days

While on a path of self-improvement we sometimes must reflect and go back in time before we go forward; as a pause of reflection, not regret. Standing on our back deck I have a moment of clarity and realize my blessing and unique circumstance. You see our deck is the deck my grandfather built (or perhaps had built) some 30…

Whole Life Challenge – Week Six ✔

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy I do believe that everyone should be making positive changes in the world. However, these positive changes must begin within us!! As the flight attendant reminds us “Please put your own mask on, first, before helping anyone else.”. Let’s recap – What is the Whole Life…

Whole Life Challenge – Weeks Four & Five ✔

Any Excuse to Dance! Actually, in the above pic, this is my sister and I dancing to the “Cha Cha Slide” by Mr. C at our “re-do” reception. What is a “re-do” reception? Excellent question! It is an event that happens because you leave during the middle of your original wedding reception to go to the hospital due to pains…