I have it all figured out, don’t you?

Who really has it figured out anyway? Ha! Anyone who says they have it “all figured out” is probably fibbing both to you and themselves. Unfortunately, daily, monthly, and yearly bumps and blockades are just part of life, but our reactions and taking advantage of these growing opportunities make the difference. And even then, we might “mess” that up, too,…

How can Changing your Perspective Bring you Inner Peace?

Can changing your Perspective bring you, Inner Peace? If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Dr. Wayne Dyer Perspective Perspective is the way that you see something. It’s your point of view. For instance, if you think that toys corrupt children’s minds, then a toy shop is an evil place from your…

Journaling and 3 other Healthy Ways To Release your Emotions

We all get angry and frustrated. It’s a natural part of life, and it’s okay to feel exasperated sometimes. The problem isn’t with the emotion itself. The problem is in how you express it. We’ve heard examples of getting our frustrations out physically – like punching your pillow, screaming at the top of your lungs, or when I was younger,…

Are You Vulnerable? – What Is Our Risk of Leaving up Walls?

How do you protect your vulnerability? Has your mind built a complete fort with tall cement walls surrounding you for your “protection”? What barriers have you created that are intended to keep you “safe”? Or I suppose the better question is, why do you have walls in the first place? Are they there to shield yourself from a negative statement…

I am strong. I am worthy. I am Yours

Self-esteem is the ability to see yourself as a flawed individual and still hold yourself in high regard. Esther Perel Words, often easier said than done. Self-doubt and Low Self-esteem These emotions can sneak up on us when we least expect them. You’re riding the wave of life way up high in the sky. It’s even moving along on cruise…

What are the Powerful Benefits to Know & Understand your Confidence?

What is Confidence? Definition of confidence: A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. A sense and belief that someone or something is right and can succeed. The feeling of being sure that something will happen or that something is true. Merriam-Webster Confidence is a necessary trait in life that helps you go further. It…

Tips for Using Visualization in less than 30-minutes a Day

You have big goals in your life. You’ve even heard visualization is the key to reaching those goals. But you still hold back. Why? The most common reason – you don’t have enough time. Well, who has enough time? According to a Gallup poll, 48% of American’s feel like they don’t have enough time to get the things done they…

It’s raining …

let’s stay inside. It was very early, the room was dark, and Mary began to stir – a sign to Amy that it was soon time to go downstairs. Mary rubbed her eyes and removed the little nuggets of sand left behind by the sandman and the night’s deep rest. Amy was still curled up by her feet. She could…

Christmas Love

Spread Christmas Love the Entire Year – to All! During the Season of Advent – we are in preparation mode. Waiting for the arrival of our savior. We are given four weeks to guide us along our path – Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love; each week we are bathed in prayer and song. As we journey closer to the birth…

Power of Thought – Let’s grasp this ability together, shall we?

You become what you think about most. Earl Nightingale Our Thoughts have Power. I want to think that I am not gullible or naive – we all hope for that, I suppose. And in the same breath – I am moved quickly. I don’t believe that to be a bad thing. If you have read almost any of my blog…