Whole Life Challenge – Weeks Four & Five ✔

Line Dancing w/ Kat

Any Excuse to Dance! Actually, in the above pic, this is my sister and I dancing to the “Cha Cha Slide” by Mr. C at our “re-do” reception.

What is a “re-do” reception? Excellent question! It is an event that happens because you leave during the middle of your original wedding reception to go to the hospital due to pains that are so bad they feel worse than giving birth (no offense to my boys).

How did that happen?!? I thought that it was a good idea, at 40 something, to wear a silk dress on our wedding day. In short, leading up to our wedding day, I ate healthily and busted my butt working out every morning with Shaun T and “Hip Hop Abs! BUT, I was also taking all sorts of diet pills, green coffee supplements and … well … I gave myself an acute pancreatic attack!

Fun, right?!? NO … BUT! Because I have a wonderful husband, that very night, while we were still in the hospital, he promised me a “re-do” reception. And … 6 months later we had a wonderful celebration!

That was a fun trip down memory lane …

I have finished another week, actually, two, as I am combining weeks four and five. Why? Simple, they were almost exactly the same. As you may remember I was a little late to the dance providing you with my, hopefully, inspiring update for week three. And the reason – an “Acute Sciatica”. I don’t know if you are super interested in knowing the exact medical definition, but if you are, I apologize, you’ll have to complete a quick Google search.

Simply put … it HURTS and, is debilitating.

My Journey is in motion and I am sad to report that this setback has left me feeling a bit deflated.

It shouldn’t, this situation can’t possibly be my fault! But … isn’t it?!? Did I not already receive proper PT care, to get my body into a better state of physical health? Did I not throw eating wholesome foods to the wind and forget to stretch and walk even though those important tasks, clearly, should have been a top priority?!?. Did I not set this journey to begin LAST August? Is it “my fault” that my body is this weak, to begin with?!?

The answer to all of those daunting questions is yes … a loud resounding YES!

WHINE, WHINE, WHINE … What’s happening here? This is supposed to be an uplifting and motivating series of posts.

We have all floundered at one point or another, but how we handle the setbacks, challenges, and the moments of defeat … THAT, my friend, is what makes you stronger [I’ll let you insert your own song here]!

What is on deck for the next steps? I am going to continue working on healing my body with the care that it needs (chiro, massage therapy, CBD bath treatments and looking forward to acupuncture). I will push through and continue My Journey.

Sharing these stories and putting “pen to paper” forces me to be accountable to you. Honestly, if I wasn’t, then I don’t know that I would have the desire to push through. And, I am optimistic that I can influence even just one life.

don’t let the grass grow under your feet … or a beautiful plant around your bike …

“There is always time to start improving your overall health …”

This statement rings true if you are doing absolutely nothing to improve your well-being and I highly suggest that you begin right away [after checking with your doctor, first, please]! We certainly aren’t getting any younger and although someone in their twenties might argue that point; I come from the angle that it is never too early to start! No joke! This plea is coming from someone who is currently laying on their living room floor with an icepack… don’t delay!

What are you waiting for? What inspires you? What motivates you?

Can you give yourself the gift of 20 minutes a day? If you think about it, that really isn’t that much time when the rest of the world gets about 12 – 14 hours from you.

Aren’t you worth it?

10 minutes of stretching and 10 minutes of exercise – that’s it! Nothing crazy, you don’t need to go off and join Cross-Fit, but if you can I highly recommend it … my BFF looks amazing! However, if you are just beginning your Journey then begin with the basics, something that you can stick with … a walk, an easy hike, a yoga class … or just dance (try the Cha Cha Slide, it’s super fun)!

For me – I am going to get my back and leg to a point that I can walk the dog – he will be very happy! And then, as I get stronger reinstate my hike/walks (skipping the running portion). And perhaps join a gym, where there is a trainer because, at this point, I don’t know that I can do this completely on my own.

It goes without saying that I could have been completely crushed, however, it is not about just these 6 weeks … or 10 weeks … it is the process of transforming your life.

Remember … our journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

And … there is always room for R&R!

Peace and Blessings to you my friend! Thank you for coming along!!

6 thoughts on “Whole Life Challenge – Weeks Four & Five ✔

  1. I am praying for you. Thank you for not giving up on you. Inspiration often come from those god has placed around us. You have inspired me to amp up my game. Thank you

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