So, we are half-way through the “Whole Life Challenge” and my score for this week, was 33.4! I am so very proud of myself for improving. I ate better and I pushed myself hard on our hikes and added extra little “sprints” whenever I felt that I could. [View from the top of my little mountain, as promised last week!]
I used to run in high school and I was pretty good for a scrawny little kid. I would compete in the 500 meter relay, and at 15 I ran the anchor leg at this big end of the year track meet. Our team won – I even got my Varsity Letter that year! A little happy moment for myself there.
I followed all the rules and truly had a fantastic week!
But, if we are being completely honest here and I hope that you trust me enough to know that I am; we need to go down the “full disclosure” path and for a moment take note. Even with an extremely positive experience, I find myself challenged to make the time to write this particular post.
The past 48 hours, quite frankly, have been a nightmare and my biggest fear of pushing myself too hard is also my biggest REASON to do so. You see, 4 years ago I was rushing around cleaning my house for a fun Partylite party and my back did this little “hey stop it!” … of course I didn’t listen and by the time my guests had arrived I was in quite a bit of pain and could barely move. The next day, I had difficulty getting out of bed.
Between then and now, I have completed over three years of chiropractic, massage and physical therapy. I spent so much on care that I could have purchased new french doors for my sun-room and a brand-new deck. Last summer, my back was still touch and go and when it was good I could do normal day to day activities (housework, yard work etc.) … but very carefully!
Well, I got tired (and scared) of living that way and decided to begin this “count down”, this “Journey to the Best version of Me”. I must say that this set-back (in back pain) has been depressing, and super frustrating but I am NOT going to let it defeat me! I will continue this journey and I do hope that you plan on sticking with me on this ride!

This week’s “Well-Being” Practice was “First things First”. Since you never know what cards your day will hand you, it is best to get the important items checked off of your list first! This was an easier practice for me than others because I really work hard at carving out an extra 15 minutes in the morning for my “Mobilization” Practice – my stretches. I just won’t do it otherwise!
What are the stretches that I do?
[Disclaimer – I am a regular person just trying to get my body to a point where it doesn’t “creak” every time I get up; please consult your doctor if you are worried about doing any form of exercise!]
Maybe next week we will go live during my morning routine, that should prove to be fun! For now, you can view the links, these are a pretty good representation of the moves that I cycle through while Alexa plays some music. What does she play, you ask?! Well, that depends on my mood … anywhere from my Enya station to Dave Mathews or Bob Marley. I don’t break out the Hip Hop and Pop until my mind and body have woken up just a bit … LOL!
- I like to begin with some easy and basic “Sunrise Yoga” poses. As she goes through this routine you will hear her asking you to be grateful and I agree. Yoga is really great for your morning stretches because it is also a form of Meditation and an opportunity to center yourself!
- Take a moment and BE Grateful for this time
- Take a moment and BE Grateful for the day
- Take a moment and BE Grateful and Joyous for you!
- I continue on for another 5 or 10 minutes more and I will concentrate on my hamstring muscles as those are my tightest – hence my back issues!
- Here are a few Sample Positions that I work through
- Hold each position for about 5 slow breaths
- ** Be careful with the Garland Pose … that might have been the cause of my sciatica flaring up!
Clearly, based on my current situation with my back, I need to complete my stretching sessions twice a day and/or longer than 15 minutes every morning! I also will be taking a step back from my aggressive hikes and going back to simple walks around the neighborhood until I am confident my back will not spasm on me.
I think my walking partner will be happy with any adventures that we take!

I do thank you for coming along this Journey with me, Peace and Blessings to you my friend!