Sundays are Simple – Happy Father’s Day!

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Sundays are Simple.

My personal movement encouraging you to take one day out of each week and “keep it simple” because we know the rest of the week is not!

Sometimes we don’t get our Simple Sunday because we are so busy doing good for others!

Personally, that is what fills my heart and makes it all worthwhile; along with knowing that I have a well-deserved rest coming my way!

A lot of what keeps me busy is fulfilling my God’s purpose with being Hospitality Chair or planning and cooking family dinners. Often, my Sundays are not Simple, but when they are I relish the day.

I do encourage you to do the same – if not on Sunday then some other day during the week. Take YOUR well deserved time for yourself!!

father holds his daughter’s hand for a short while, but he holds her heart forever.”

Happy Father’s Day 2019 from my heart to yours!

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!