April 13, 2019, will begin my 100-day countdown to my birthday and the beginning of my journey.
Well, if I am frank, this isn’t the “beginning” of my journey. I have been on this road many times, as I am sure you have as well. However, this time, this path, this opportunity feels different. It feels better; I feel better about it – more committed than ever before.
Please know that I realize I am not broken, and neither are you – this isn’t some need to literally “fix” myself as I am awesome – you are awesome, and WE are strong.
However, everyone can find opportunities for growth and improvement in one way or another – Health / Fitness / “Diet” / Over-indulging / Prayer / Meditation / Gratitude / Reflection. I think you get the picture!
What do I want to get out of my journey – what can you get out of my journey? As the flight attendant tells us, “Put your own mask on to help yourself first, and then you can help others.” I need to help myself first to help others. For me, I need a re-set, a check-in with where my life is, where it is going and what my purpose is. I hope you will follow along on this journey and pick up some good changes you need (or don’t need but want) along the way.

I am choosing to begin the best version of myself with the “Whole Life Challenge,” ~ a 6-week program that looks at your habits (good and bad) holistically and helps you (supports you) to incorporate 7 GOOD daily practices into your life.
When followed – even 90% of the time – these Daily Habits really do work to improve your overall health.
This is the 3rd time that I will be doing the challenge.
The first time I threw in the towel – gave up if you will because I didn’t like being told “what to do”!
Honestly? I didn’t want to be accountable to myself any longer – well, who did that help? Last January, right after losing our fur baby of 13.5 years, I did my 2nd challenge – I did MUCH better and actually lost 7 lbs or so.
I gave myself a little slack when it came to the wine “allotment” I relaxed on that rule and would lose points if I had 2 or 3 glasses of wine vs. the 0 to 1. However, I was very pleased that I followed all the other “rules” most of the time.
My mother laughed a little when I told her I was doing this – “Oh, you are being told what to do huh – let me know how that works out!”.
I’m really not being told what to do. I am choosing to follow these guidelines. I keep score for myself and myself alone – it is an honor system, and if I cheat – as noted above – who does that help?!
The 7 Daily Habits of the Whole Life Challenge:
- Nutrition: Eat nutritious foods from your food list,
- Exercise: A minimum of 10 minutes – (walking the dog and yoga can count if you are super stiff like me!),
- Mobilize: Stretch for a minimum of 10 minutes a day (excited not to be stiff any longer – lol!),
- Sleep: how much do you sleep now? Increase that by 30 minutes and stick to it,
- Hydrate: drink enough water – the same thing calculate what your “water need is” (I have read 50% of your body weight, I’ve read more than that – what I personally need is about 67% of my body weight) and drink that every day,
- Well-Being: Learn weekly practices to help you feel happier and more connected,
- Reflect: In the app, reflect on your daily accomplishments or pitfalls and get support from other WLC members.
In my humble opinion, the Whole Life Challenge is an easy, short-term (hopefully make these long-term changes), supportive program to launch MY JOURNEY.
Along my way, I will be tracking my progress with you and sharing prayers, meditation ideas, inspirational quotes, and maybe even some recipes! I truly hope you enjoy my stories and can even benefit from my thoughts of positive changes.
I know that this isn’t going to be easy, as I have gone backward in personal growth and eating healthy. Still, I am excited about developing new and resurrecting a few amazing goals and habits!
Come along for the ride!

This is my fight song –Take back my life song — Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on — Starting right now; I’ll be strong — I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me
Rachel Platten – Fight Song
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
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