What is Confidence?
Definition of confidence: A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. A sense and belief that someone or something is right and can succeed. The feeling of being sure that something will happen or that something is true.
Confidence is a necessary trait in life that helps you go further. It isn’t always something you inherently have; sometimes, you have to work at it.
Working at building your confidence, though, doesn’t always come easy. Let’s review five benefits you can get from working on your confidence and five tips to project self-confidence even when you don’t feel like it!
Five Powerful Benefits of Building Confidence

1) Improved Performance
Having better confidence can help you do better in all areas of your life. For instance, it can improve your work productivity while also encouraging you to go for more challenging projects or get a promotion. Being confident in your actions can help you do your absolute best. The more confident you are in your abilities, the better you will do.
2) Ease of Social Situations
Those who are more confident tend to be at ease in social situations. Because of their confidence, they don’t rely on others for validation or their own self-worth. This results in a greater sense of ease in these situations.
It helps you to be yourself more freely. Your positive energy will attract others and allow you to be relaxed when going through new experiences.
3) Better Health
Working to boost your confidence and self-esteem can help improve your mental and general health. Knowing your worth, value, and skills within yourself, rather than relying on others to give that to you, can cause you to be happier, healthier, and more emotionally secure.
Children who grow up with a higher sense of confidence tend to get better grades, take better care of themselves, and even excel in sports, the arts, and socialization.

4) Happiness
Boosting your self-confidence can help to improve your happiness in life. Those who have a healthy level of confidence often report being happier and more satisfied with their lives than those who struggle with their confidence.
Confidence will also help you to have happier and healthier relationships. It can further your career, allowing you to improve your work habits, leaving you more content and satisfied with your life.
5) Less Insecurity and Doubt
Confidence helps you to know yourself better than ever before, making you sure of your worth and value. Allowing you to squelch the familiar feelings of insecurity and self-doubt that crop up.
When you’re confident, you know what you bring to the table, what you want, and how you’re going to get it. You refuse to let insecurities build up or self-doubt creep in. This helps you to go even further in life and protect the confidence you’ve already built up.
Confidence is a trait that can get you far in life. Yet, building up this skill doesn’t come easy for all. For those, it might even take far more motivation than for those to whom it comes naturally.
Projecting Confidence – Even if You Don’t Feel like It.
That old saying, fake it ’til you make it, has never been more meaningful than when dealing with confidence issues.

Here are five ways to project confidence, even if you don’t feel like it:
- Be optimistic – Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? If you see the glass as half-empty, you’re probably not an optimist and could experience feelings of low self-worth and doubts. Seeing the glass as half-full places you in the “optimist” category and shows that you look for opportunities rather than failure.
- Don’t take yourself too seriously – When you allow yourself to loosen up and enjoy life, you’re more relaxed in demeanor; most people find that refreshing. Most of us have to deal with stress and intense situations every day, so to be around a calm person is an absolute pleasure!
- Pay attention to others – Making eye contact and listening intently to those you’re engaged with is a must when attempting to project confidence. If you always look around the room or up at the ceiling when you’re talking with someone, you seem less trustworthy and less like someone who demands admiration.
- Dress the part – Whatever you want to succeed at in life requires a specific look. Want to rise to a CEO level in your company? Stop dressing in jeans and t-shirts. Show others – with your appearance – that you’re ready to step into the position, even if you’re much lower on the ladder.

- Accept and give compliments – Accept compliments about your accomplishments gracefully and give compliments to others when warranted. Accepting compliments shows that you realize the value of what you’ve done. Giving compliments shows that you consider yourself a good judge of character.
Projecting a certain amount of confidence, even when you don’t feel like it, shows that you are ready to meet challenges head-on.
Sometimes, we don’t yet have the knowledge or skills it takes to be at the top of our game. Still, you can project determination and enthusiasm to meet the challenge!
Don’t wait; an improvement in your quality of life awaits you.
Believe you can, and you’re halfway there
Theodore Roosevelt
I hope this article provided the motivation and incentive you need to start working on your confidence today!
If you need a little more inspiration – here are a few articles to keep you going!
- How do you begin a Positive Daily Affirmation Practice?
- Meditation – Where to begin?
- The Power of Thought
- Sound Healing & Brain-Tapping
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Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!