The first week of my “Whole Life Challenge” is complete and I have an amazing launch to my Journey to the best version of Me – 93 days and counting!
All in all a fabulous week! I love checking things off of my list – don’t you?! Well, we made it through week one – whew – AND “we” did an awesome job!
Although not a perfect first week, remember this is a journey and not a sprint; we’re looking for progress, not perfection. That being so, I am extremely pleased with myself AND if you did something good for yourself then YAY to you!
My score was 210 out of a possible 245 – 85% a B+ if you will. My best day was Monday where I lost only one point for going a little over my wine allotment – it was also the day that I completed my 2nd post! You can find it here –
Throughout the week I had my good days and my “bad”, but don’t we all? Not just in the way we eat or exercise, but the way our day flows. You might get up in the morning, enjoy your coffee, say your prayers, meditate or have a moment of gratitude; you’re thinking, “I’m going to ROCK this day!”, but instead, something goes awry. Something (or someone) comes along and makes you cranky or sad. Well, those were the cards you were dealt and HOW you handle it (whatever “it” might be) is what defines you, NOT the events of your day – not even your score!
On the good days, I ate in compliance (skipped grains, dairy, etc…), stretched and exercised (walked Sonny or danced to Hip Hop while house cleaning!) and on my “bad” days – I missed stretching or ate cheese, but you know what? EVEN on my “bad” days, I felt amazing! Because I am making a conscious effort and I am aware of my habits and THAT, my friend, is powerful!
This week’s well-being challenge was eating your meals without technology; while I recognize the art of multitasking, I also enjoy sitting, looking out my window and appreciating my food. Because I’m alone this week (hubby traveling) I thought dinner would be the hardest without “the boob tube” (as my dad puts it a.k.a. the TV). It wasn’t hard at all, I was able to reflect on the day, ponder what I have upcoming tomorrow and thank God for the nourishment, the moment and my health.
As I reflect upon my week and being proud of my score; I am also able to celebrate the accomplishments from the week.
We have a new Pastor and this year’s Holy Week services were orchestrated in a wonderful and different manner. For our Maundy Thursday service, we served the congregation soup, and being apart of the Hospitality Committee I was able to plan, organize, and make it happen!
Good Friday – I reflect in the morning and evening for all the blessings that I have been given. I try to express my gratitude and thankfulness. However, as most Good Fridays have been in years past, in-between those two beautiful bookends of quiet moments is a very busy, wonderful, worshipful day! Every year one of my best friends and I share a French meal complete with a charcuterie! We savor lovely meats, cheeses, bread, fruit, and wine. It’ is a fabulous time and a tradition that we have shared since our kids were little!
Then, in the evening, we have our Good Friday service. A time of solitude and reflection and an opportunity of just being with God. It is a beautiful service but unfortunately for many a year, this particular service is a bit stressful for me as I am in charge of dimming the lights, at the appropriate time, all the while tiptoeing quietly back and forth between the light switches and singing (do you have a visual?). But alas, when all is cleaned up I then have an hour of reflection and prayer just for myself <sigh>.

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
Great job! You did awesome.
Thank you!!