Sundays are Simple – Be Curious

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Sundays are Simple.

My personal movement encouraging you to take one day out of each week and “keep it simple” because we know the rest of the week is not!

I want to turn the whole thing upside down,
I'll find the things they say just can't be found,
I'll share this love I find with everyone,
We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's songs.
I don't want this feeling to go away.
Upside Down – Jack Johnson

Open your eyes and see the love around you.

Open your eyes and see the beauty around you.

Open your heart and share that love. Be excited to explore and be curious!

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Walt Disney

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!