Sundays are Simple – My Favorite Things

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Sundays are Simple.

My personal movement encouraging you to take one day out of each week and “keep it simple” because we know the rest of the week is not!

This week’s message was inspired by a beautiful song “My Favorite Things“.

Wouldn’t it be great to make it through the holidays and the last 6 weeks of the year stress-free?

Let’s work together to make this happen – take our movement past the one day per week and into these last 6 weeks!

Listen to this week’s message and let me know your thoughts and how we can work on being stress-free and enjoy simplicity – like woolen mittens and brown paper packages tied up with string!

There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.

Leo Tolstoy

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!