I am hopeful that you have taken pause and thought about the name of my blog at one point or another. The goal for these posts (most of them anyway) is to give you the tools to:
RISE to the Occasion
LOVE Everyone
LIVE a Life worth Living
Love Everyone
The middle phrase is what we will be concentrating on today.
What do the words “Love Everyone” mean to you? Each person will have their own interpretation, their own desire for these words to “work” within their life, a particular moment, or circumstance.
What do I mean by that? Well, let’s start with me as an example.
- Do I have to “love” the woman who cut me off in traffic?
- Do I have to “love” the rude sales clerk?
- Do I have to “love” the man who has different beliefs and a strong opinion?
- Do I have to “love” the person who [fill in the blank]?
In short, yes. And perhaps you are wondering why.
It’s pretty simple, actually. We have no idea what’s going on in someone else’s life, the challenges they might be facing, or the struggles behind the curtain.
I understand. You could be thinking that the word “love” is so strong.
- Can I ask, then, that you Like Everyone?
- Or perhaps be Polite to Everyone?
- Or exercise the old golden rule, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”?
No, because I am not asking you to like everyone.
Of course, we all learned the other two “rules” way back in kindergarten and should practice these skills every day!
Now, you probably think that I am starting to talk out of both sides of my mouth. Why in the world would I ask you to Love Everyone, but not Like Everyone?
Compassion, because we need to have compassion for others, and here is where we can spring into action and let our love pour out.
I was asked today by an IG follower, “What do you do when you run out of love?”.
And this was my response –
That is an excellent question that I have been pondering as I’ve been working on my post. And although I am not making this a religious story, it will have a few quotes from the bible (as a resource and point of reference).
We sang a beautiful song this morning from Sidewalk Profits, “You Love Me Anyway.” And for me, it really tied all of my thoughts and feelings together.
You see, even when we think that we don’t deserve it, God loves us anyway. We should pin that lesson, that “rule,” for ourselves. You’re right. There are people in our lives who “don’t deserve us,” but perhaps they deserve our love and our compassion; because of how sad it is for them not to realize that they are so nasty, mean, or hurtful to us.
John 15:17, “So this is my law for you: Have love, one for another.”
Easy to Read Bible.

What is the exact definition of love?
Love is a variety of feelings, emotions, and attitudes. For some, love is more than just being interested physically in someone. It’s an emotional attachment. Love is more of a feeling that a person feels for another person. … The basic meaning of love is to have a sense of more than liking someone.
As we phase over to another angle of love and who we love, you must also bring to the table humility.
Ephesians 4:2, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
New Living Translation Bible

Being humble isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It is a matter of swallowing your pride and the “I’m right, and you’re wrong” attitude. But, in the same breath, it could also be an easy emotion to exude – to be so loving that you put someone else’s needs ahead of your own.
And now our third and final phase for today – Self-love.
I would be remiss if I wrote to you about love and did not include self-love.
I realize that self-love can sometimes sound a little selfish, but sometimes you need to be a little “self-full” with self-love.
I alluded to it just a tad in my last post using the quote from the folks up in our friendly skies about “… putting on our own mask first …”.
I wonder if it is easier for some to love a complete stranger than to love themselves.
Pay anonymously for someone’s coffee, serve a meal at a local shelter, donate unused clothes vs. taking time for meditation, a quiet walk, or even a well-deserved nap!
Self-love does not have to be complicated or fancy. [Of course, it always can be if you want to treat yourself on a trip to Europe. Oh, and please take me! LOL]
Seriously, take the time to check in with yourself – daily would be perfect. I would suggest first thing in the morning, while you’re enjoying a hot cup of coffee.
What simple treat can you give yourself today? Taking care of yourself regularly will also make it easier to give to others.
Together we should be investing in these different buckets, in these various aspects of love. Together we can make this a better world.
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
Thanks for this Heidi. We discussed compassion in my small group at church today. Offering compassion to others isn’t always easy. But it’s always the best action to take. You made this point well. Blessings. -Deb
Thank you,Deb. I appreciate the insight that I am bringing relevant content to the forefront. Heidi
This is so well written and so important!!! Thank you so much!! Xoxoxo
Thank you, Mikaela! Greatly appreciate your feedback!!
Dear Heidi,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful Thomas Moore quote…”Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot.” Being humble and “small” opens our hearts to love All, most importantly The One.
Hello Jan –
You’re welcome. Yes! Open Mind, Open Hearts!!
We miss you, hope all is well with you and Harley!!