let’s stay inside.
It was very early, the room was dark, and Mary began to stir – a sign to Amy that it was soon time to go downstairs.
Mary rubbed her eyes and removed the little nuggets of sand left behind by the sandman and the night’s deep rest. Amy was still curled up by her feet. She could hear the rain pounding on the roof.
It was the perfect rainy day to stay inside, she thought, as she drew the blinds – and no surprise it was very gloomy outside!
Amy was now swirling around her feet anxious to head downstairs for coffee and snuggle time on the couch. As they headed downstairs, the cold floor creaked below Mary’s feet.
Pressed coffee and the newspaper – the perfect Saturday treat.

As she waited patiently for her coffee to brew, Mary lit a few candles and the fire. She poured a hot cup of joe, grabbed their favorite blanket, and nestled onto the couch to watch the rain.
Thoughts of a warm summer day ran through her head – just a few weeks away, she thought, but for today it rains.
After coffee and a little journaling time, Mary decided to spoil herself – no chores for this girl! Mary, with Amy practically tripping her, walked back upstairs to draw a hot bath. More candles, a face mask, and a book, serenity.
After her hot bath, Mary puts on soft, warm clothes and simply gazes out the window.
Why does the rain mesmerize so?
Mother earth is thirsty today – the rain falls hard on the leaves, through the trees, down to the hard spring soil. This helps her awaken from her winter slumber. She embraces the cold spring rain and the flowers far beneath the soil soak in this liquid gold. They become very excited about the warm days that lie ahead.
Mary, too, looks forward to those days.
A few more logs get tossed on the fire to wake it back up. Mary decides to further spoil herself – a beautiful roast with some veggies to fill the house with a beautiful aroma – and, of course, to fill her belly with a healthy delectable meal!
A few hours go by and the house smells like that famous NY restaurant they used to frequent often.
Memories quickly flood Mary’s mind of their love affair that ended too quickly. He left her on a day just like this – rain pouring down and banging on the roof – and the pain. She no longer allows that memory to bother her.
She has her warm fire, a fluffy kitty, and the beautiful love for herself inside her heart. You see, Mary is a strong gal and she enjoys quiet Saturdays just like this one.
It is a time to be still, to sit with herself, and soak in the quiet sounds of the rain waiting for that warm summer day to come – just like the flowers beneath the ground.
Just like the flowers beneath the ground I wait in darkness & stillness Just like the flowers beneath the ground I soak in the spring rain. Just like the flowers beneath the ground I am patient Just like the flowers beneath the ground I am beautiful when I grow.
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!