Who really has it figured out anyway?
Ha! Anyone who says they have it “all figured out” is probably fibbing both to you and themselves.
Unfortunately, daily, monthly, and yearly bumps and blockades are just part of life, but our reactions and taking advantage of these growing opportunities make the difference.
And even then, we might “mess” that up, too, but it’s all OK as long as you continue to do your very best. Even still, one step backward is not the end of the world, my friend.
It might not be an ideal “moment” within your plan, but that’s okay, too.
“Allow yourself to bathe in the uncertainty of life, for it’s what you’ve been craving all along”
– Sam Brown

Now I’ve already quoted several cliches in such a short section, but if you’ll allow me one more – do you want to make God laugh? Then tell him your plans! LOL – I love that one!
But what does that mean? In short? Planning is essential, but we have to be open to what God, the universe, has planned for us.
Dreams, Goals, and Plans are all good – they’re better than good, they’re fantastic, and if you have yours written down, organized, and structured so that you also have your tasks mapped out, you’re in excellent shape!
One step ahead of me – exceptional!
I’m proud of you, and you should be too! But I’ve said this to you folks before. The grass isn’t always greener; it just appears to be so from the lens you’re looking through.
Lean on Me –
So, back to your friend who says they have it all figured out. Be happy for them because that’s what you want to do for them if it’s true.
And if it is, then let them hold your hand for a while if you’re struggling. Not to worry, you’ll have your chance to reciprocate when they need it.
And what if you both need it at the same time?
Well, then lean on each other’s back to support both of you at the same time until one of you can stand on your own.

Life isn’t always easy, and we wouldn’t want it that way – we’d get bored.
Do I want a few days in a row with the sun shining on my face without a care in the world?
Yes, please! I’ll take pockets of those days as frequently and often as possible. Still, we must remember to savor those days. Bottle up a little of that gratitude and sunshine and save it for a rainy day.
To give you the strength to make it through any storm that comes your way.
Being Grateful
Gratitude is one of the essential daily practices that we don’t always remember to do. We brush our teeth and usually eat three square meals a day, but taking a breath to pause in the middle of your day simply to say “thanks” doesn’t always happen.
When I searched and polled folks for tips on a good morning routine, almost everyone reminded me to wake with gratitude.
But how?
Well, when the sand and cobwebs are still in the corners of your eyes, keep them closed for just a few more moments. And thank God or the universe for allowing you to awaken today. Send out positive vibes of gratefulness for the day, your family, or your fur baby.
Even better, send out these positive vibes of gratefulness to someone who might need it even more than you. Lob it out there like a ball, lay there for a few more minutes, and receive it back like a boomerang.
Then, stretch, open your eyes, and smile – doesn’t that feel good?
Hold onto that feeling as long as you can while navigating your morning and getting ready to face your day.
Use that feeling of grace and gratitude as a shield to help you “handle” what’s thrown at you. It won’t ward off all the stresses of your day, but I promise you it will make them smaller and much easier to manage and process.
I believe in you.
Now it’s your turn.
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
PS: And please remember to check out my Etsy Shop – the RiseLoveLive Boutique for resources to be enlightened, grow, and transform