Music can change the world.
Music is Powerful!
Music has the ability to change our mood. It has the ability to lift us up and out of a negative state of mind and calm our heartbeat down after a hard workout.
It can also be the perfect media to help you fill that void by breaking the silence or even avoid conflict (trust me on that!).
I’m confident that it is no surprise to you; music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.
Between my two parents, my dad is the singer. He would always be humming or singing a little tune while he worked on the car or as we hiked through the woods of McClean game refuge. My mom and I would have so much fun dancing around the kitchen to 70’s tunes every Friday night!
Followed by years of school choir groups, talent shows, and musicals. Current day, I am blessed to fulfill that musical itch by singing in our Contemporary Praise Band.
I think we are safe to say that music has made a huge impact on my life.

Contemporary Christian Band
Simsbury United Methodist Church

Seeking strength in music …
We chatted early on, how music can be one way to help us find our inner peace. Or even navigate us through our difficult emotions.
Music is also an awesome way to help find strength when we are weak.
Definition of weak: “Lacking in strength” cannot resist external force or withstand attack.
I hesitated using the word weak, but it is important to recognize that we all will have moments and periods of weakness in our lives. We sometimes feel that it originates from outside sources (people saying mean things or bullying) or even our own inside voice putting ourselves down.
Finding tools such as music and powerful lyrics in songs like “Flawless,” “Brave,” or “You Say” can help bring us up and out of the ashes. Then, we need to build upon our newly found strength not only as an individual but as a community where we can and will become stronger together.
I am lucky enough that music and prayer are two roads that cross almost every day for me, and when I am weak and seeking strength – I listen to music.
Relatively speaking, religion is new to me. For the first 34 years, it was minimal in my life, and for the past 16 or so, I have become quite involved with our church, and my learning continues.
With that said, for me, it becomes an easy method of prayer through singing and listening to music. Songs with inspiring words (both religious and non-religious) will move me in such a way I am brought to tears.
Today’s selections
There are so many fabulous songs available to us; it definitely was hard to pick just a handful. Whether you find comfort in the Christian songs or you’d prefer to listen to contemporary pieces, find a quiet place, and let the words wash over you.
Allow the artist’s message to be personal to you, your situation, and your need to find strength.
For those who find solace in prayer, I offer you a few contemporary Christian songs.
- You Say – Lauren Daigle
- You Love Me Anyway – Sidewalk Profits
- He Knows My Name – Francesca Battistelli
- Flawless – Mercy Me
- Chain Breaker – Zach Williams
- Raise a Hallelujah – Bethel Music
- Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies] – feat Chris Tomlin
- Soul on Fire – Third Day
And here are a few other AMAZING and Inspirational contemporary songs.
- This Is Me – Keala Settle
- Beautiful – Christina Aguilera
- Pretty Pretty Please – Pink
- Try – Colbie Caillat
- Brave – Sara Bareilles
- Roar – Katy Perry
- Fight Song – Rachel Platten
Of course, like with my other musical suggestions, not all artists and genres will appeal to all. That’s okay – I invite you to look up the lyrics of each song – to seek out the message.
Have I sparked the idea for you to seek out your own list of inspirational songs?!?
What songs make you feel stronger and more powerful?
‘The Power of Music.’ Listening to music can make you feel more relaxed, but it’s actually used to ease pain in some cultures.
NPR 06.01.2011

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
Very good List
I really like some of your pop faves, by women half my age, which is a little odd.
For some reason I’m not sure of, the schmaltzy 1962 instrumental Telstar by the Tornadoes almost always sends a chill up my spine. Maybe because we did atom bomb drills when I was in kindergarten. It’s on my short list for possible funeral songs. Another song is Ashokan Farewell, which is played for about an hour total in the course of Ken Burns’ PBS series on the Civil War. That one makes me tear up rather than get spine tingles. I think it is the hope for a peaceful home in the midst of horrific events.
I’m so pleased you liked some of the pop songs!
Wow, thank you for sharing Bruce – I’ll have to go take a listen to those songs.
Have a great day!
Thank you, John – I appreciate the comment!
I hope you have a great day as well!!
Ashokan Farewell has been performed during a Simsbury United Methodist worship service, on cello. A man named Bill Thomas, maybe 18 years ago.
Hello –
That sounds beautiful!