Motivation is a drive or willingness to complete something AMAZING!
I am so thrilled that I was able to marry this quote and this picture!
All of our dreams can come true …
Walt Disney
By happenstance, I came across the fabulous quote, above, from Mr. Disney and the fun facts listed below about Mr. Hilton, and when I did I just knew that I had to combine them!
Let me fill you in, about 4 years ago, I had to attend an important business trip in NYC and my back was in full spasm; there was no way I would be able to take the train down with all my gear.
The Waldorf
For the trip, my husband kindly offered to drive me into the city and promised to also take care of the hotel arrangements. In doing so, he discovered that The Waldorf was part of the Hilton Honors program.
Living in Connecticut, it is an easy trip to New York and we really enjoy making amazing mini-adventures for ourselves with site-seeing, music, and of course delectable food.
Staying at the Waldorf had always been on our bucket list as one of the more glamorous places to stay and by using our earned points, we stayed for two fabulous nights!
The staff at the Waldorf provided us with world-class service, we were so spoiled and with all of the history and beautiful decor, we truly felt like we were taken back in time!
Mr. Hilton
Soon after the opening of the hotel in 1931, hotelier Conrad Hilton, almost bankrupt at the time, reportedly cut out a photograph of the hotel from a magazine and wrote across it, “ The Greatest of Them All”.
He acquired management rights to the hotel on October 12, 1949. The Hilton Hotels Corporation finally bought the hotel outright in 1972. The Waldorf was sold to an investment firm in 2014 for 1.95 BILLION dollars. Sadly, closing its doors in 2017 for condo renovations.
But before they closed their doors for renovations, we were lucky enough to be blessed with two more stays at this fabulous hotel with one of the times being our Anniversary! Again we were so spoiled!

All of your Dreams can come True …
Why is this particular quote so important?
Well, a couple of reasons. The first being that I love the idea of dreaming.
Dreaming up our next vacation, our next adventure, or dreaming of what I’m going to be when I grow up — I’m still working hard on this one! Even better to say that I am a hard-working realist who has a vision of putting my dreams into action!
The second reason? While searching for the movie “Saving Mr. Banks”, I came across an interesting movie that tells the story of Walt Disney’s early years before he became Walt Disney.
Walt before Mickey is a story that navigates you through Mr. Disney’s early years, similar to Mr. Hilton’s story, how he struggled before becoming a huge success. This is a must see movie if you are a Disney fan!
Mr. Disney
Walt Disney’s first studio went bankrupt. Back in Kansas City after the war, Disney landed a job at an art studio working on print advertisements. He and a co-worker left to start their own commercial company, and he ultimately wound that business down to start another studio focusing on animation, called Laugh-O-Gram.
None of these businesses were big financial successes. Although Laugh-O-Gram’s cartoons were popular, the company eventually went bankrupt. Maybe there’s some alternative universe in which Kansas City winds up being the center of American entertainment-but Disney headed to Hollywood.
Dream big!
These two men had dreams, big dreams!
They had an awesome vision on how their lives were “supposed to be” and to not only know what was possible, but they also had the courage and MOTIVATION in accomplishing their dreams and desires!
Never give up!

Motivation is a drive or willingness to complete something AMAZING!
We can see, clearly, by our fun facts about Mr. Disney and Mr. Hilton what drive and motivation can accomplish, but how do we get it?
Where do we find Motivation?
Motivation can come from a variety of different sources and will be different for each of us as we implement and put into action our goals, visions, and dreams!
Let’s make a list!
Oooh … I do so love making lists — don’t you? A few of these ideas may seem too “basic”, but sometimes getting back to basics is all you need!
- Use a Personal Planner
- I happen to use a “Panda Planner“.
- This particular planner allows you to break your dreams and visions into a shortlist of monthly, weekly, or daily goals and even has a section to reflect and practice daily gratitude!
- Breaking your vision into bite-sized pieces will be less-overwhelming
- Also, a plan is needed for our dreams – without a plan, one can quickly become frustrated and in turn – unmotivated.
- I happen to use a “Panda Planner“.
- Prayer and Meditation
- Taking the time to center yourself so that you can actually SEE your VISION and SEE your DREAM as a reality.
- Listening to Music
- Music is such an easy source of inspiration to motivate you!
- Reading Books and Listening to Podcasts and/or Ted Talks
- Find and seek out Inspirational People and Motivational Speakers that “talk to you” and to who connect with.
- Go to see a Motivational/Inspirational Speaker LIVE
- Seek Support – While working on our dreams, we can become burnt out, to help you through those times you need someone you can trust, who will listen and provide guidance (without judgment).
- from your loved ones, best friends, a Pastor,
- seek out positive people in your life,
- reach out to someone who may have accomplished a similar dream,
- form a group of folks who have a similar vision/goal/dream, to go through the experience together, and most importantly MOTIVATE each other.
I am sure there is more that can be added to this list, but it is a pretty good start, please add a comment if you think of additional sources of Motivation!
I believe in you and you can and will accomplish your dream/your vision. You will do so with passion, courage a plan of execution and most importantly motivation!
Only you can change your life. What motivates you?
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
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Ah, I loved most of the things from your list (I LOVE making lists, I do it all the time). And I should definitely watch the movie because I am a Disney fan. 💗 Thank you for giving me motivation to pursue my dreams, it is exactly what I needed to read. 💗
Thank you, Monica❣ I’m so pleased this little bit of inspiration helped you today!💜 Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!💜
Nice post Heidi. I use Passion Planner and find it helpful, like your Panda Planner, to break down big dreams into achievable steps. Thanks for the tips.
Thank you, Deb! I appreciate the feeddback, I’m so pleased you found my post helpful!!
I’ll check out Passion Planner when it’s time for a new one, to compare.
Enjoy your day!