Time for a Change

Well, hello there, and welcome back to yet another 100-day countdown.

I started this blog and the original countdown in hopes of finding my Journey and Path “to the best version of me” – I had huge plans!

I also began another session of the Whole Life Challenge. I was walking/running every day, and I pushed myself hard – I was determined that I would turn 50 with a healthy body!

Well, you may remember that I pushed myself very hard and flared my back so badly I was on the floor crying.

Well, that was silly, wasn’t it?!?

I was also determined to become a successful and paid blogger.

Flash-forward one year, my sciatica likes to talk to me every day, my weight is up and I have received .75 cents from one of my blog articles.

Do I think I am successful? Yes!


I am healthy, I am blessed, and I am alive!

Do I get paid? No, not yet, but this, too, will come.

Okay, that was a long way of saying – this time, my journey will be different!

Yay, yay – I know I’ve said that before, but really it is.

This is my short list of “fixes” and “improvements” for a path to a healthier me.

  • Drink less wine
  • Eat fewer carbs and more veggies,
    • and stop eating mashed potatoes for breakfast!
  • Stretch every day
  • Walk every day
  • Practice yoga and meditation every day
  • Basic core exercises every day.

Normally, I would slap all of those items and then some into my routine, and it would go along just fine for about 2 to 3 weeks when all of a sudden, BAM [fill in the blank] would happen, and I would stop!

The reason this time will be different is the a-ha moment that I had.

When we want to make big changes, we need to do so in baby steps, bite-sized pieces if you will – and not make six or seven changes all at once!

Let’s be real for a moment

But let’s just be real for a moment and simply be honest with each other.

Yes, I need to eat better, and yes, I probably should be drinking less wine (sorry, Mom), and yes, I should be walking every evening and practicing yoga every morning.

But right now, in spring 2020, something pretty darn scary is knocking on ALL of our doors, and frankly, our current situation hit me like a ton of bricks this week.

I didn’t feel like being healthy or productive—heck, completing this post is a significant amount of mental work for me right now.

But sometimes, I need to pull myself up from the floor, dust myself off, and get to work!

And as an example, possibly an inspiration to you – that is exactly what I am going to do!

I am so very proud of myself!

Today, I actually didn’t eat lunch for breakfast. Instead, I pulled out my dusty hand blender and mixed up a yummy protein shake. I love this one because it doesn’t have soy in it, it’s tasty, and mixed with banana, it makes for a nice breakfast. (I’ll admit I cheat a bit and accompany that shake with a bowl of Greek yogurt, berries, and a little granola!)

And for a little less than a week or so now, I have been practicing gentle yoga and meditation each morning via my BrainTap App, and every evening, hubby, doggie, and I have been going for a walk.

We just want to fold those changes into our lives gently so that they stick – this time!

Be gentle with yourselves, I believe in you – hey I believe in me!

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!

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