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Positive Daily Affirmation Guide

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Do you want an easy practice to replace negative thoughts with positive ones?
Try Affirmation Statements - you can download this easy-to-use tutorial today!
So, what is an Affirmation Statement?
Affirmations are confident yet straightforward "I am" statements.
This beautiful and inspirational 10-page tutorial will provide an easy tool to layer affirmations into your daily routine.

These positive statements can be said or written down.
And when consistently practiced, they will rewire your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
Is there a bleak belief that you hold?
Or a negative thought you say to yourself?
Let's replace it with an empowering, positive affirmative statement!
If you need a little extra help or support- here is a YouTube video to get you started!

Believe in yourself, in your light, and believe that one person can make a difference.
I am so proud of you for taking this step to becoming the best version of yourself that you can be.

I believe in you. Now it's your turn.

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