I am humbled and thrilled!
I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by a wonderful blogger Wrong Kind of Christian. Who, I must admit, is living out a secret wish of mine.
You see, my husband and I LOVE live music – going to shows, dancing the works! I also sing Contemporary Christian music in a Praise Band at our church.
How does this tie back to “Wrong Kind of Christian”? Magan – is an Event Planner/Promoter for Contemporary Christian rock concerts … how cool is that?!? Don’t you want to be her, too?
She has an amazing story to tell and I highly recommend that you take the time to check out her blog!
Here are the Rules for The Sunshine Blogger Award
- Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
- Answer the questions they asked of you.
- Nominate 11 other bloggers and
- Ask them 11 questions.
- Remember to inform your nominees of the rules and
- Don’t forget to notify them of your nomination!

Water’s Edge, Westbrook, CT
My Questions from Magan:
1.) What do you LOVE to write about the most?
Over the past several month’s I have found the most joy in writing inspirational posts and social media content. I like to tell a little story about my life (past or present) and then turn it into a learning opportunity for both myself and my readers!
2.) What’s been your favorite written post so far?
For a while, my favorite(s) had been my various music posts, but I am super pleased with the post from a few weeks ago “Best Laid Plans …“.
3.) What is your favorite sport to watch? Favorite team?
Does Dancing with the Stars count? I’m so sorry – I hope we can still be friends, but I don’t really like watching sports, nor do I have a favorite sports team. I do like the action at a live hockey game – does that count?
4.) What’s a song/poem that inspired you? How did it speak to you?
I enjoy poetry, quite a bit, but music is my sweet spot for inspiration. I really don’t have one particular song that inspires me – it really depends on my mood and what I am going through at the time, or even during that exact moment. I suppose if I had to pick ONE song it would be “Say” by John Mayer.
The words speak loudly to me – Say what you have to say, and say it now; don’t hold it in, don’t hold back.
5.) What time of day is the best for your blogging productivity?
That would depend on what project I’m working on. Sometimes I can bang out a few ideas and a rough draft at the end of the day while enjoying a glass of wine, but my most productive and creative time of day is the morning.
6.) Do you have any other job(s)? If so, what are they?
No, unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on God’s plan) I have been unemployed since the end of 2018. That’s one of the main reasons why I started blogging and why I have so much time to devote to it. I do volunteer at our church which also takes quite a bit of time. I am chair of our Hospitality Committee and (as mentioned above) I sing in our Contemporary Praise Band.
7.) What is a favorite memory of yours?
Oh, this is a very good question. And I’m chuckling to myself as I answer it. I was asked the very same question from Ashley in my post for The Real Neat Blog Award, but this time my mind went in a different direction so I am going to run with it.
Aside from the obvious – the birth of my two boys and marrying the love of my life – my grandparents took me to Austria for my 16th birthday. It was an amazing trip, meeting family that I will never meet again and walking the streets of my grandmother’s childhood.
It was an amazing experience and I will be ever so grateful!
8.) What is your favorite place to visit? Why?
I’d have to say the beach. Water’s Edge in Connecticut, Misquamicut in Rhode Island, Ogunquit in Maine and Tulum in Mexico.
Why? The sound and smell of the ocean, the feel of the sand and the warm sun on my skin is so calming and soothing to me – I just love it. It truly is my happy place!
9.) Did you keep something special from your childhood? What was it and why?

Yes, my bunny hand-puppet. My dad had given him to me when I was about 8. I was terribly sick and he had come over to read to me. But unlike a “normal” story-telling time, all the stories were read “through” the bunny. It was delightful!
Currently, he sits in my son’s rocking chair with a few other stuffed toys that are special to me.
I kept my bunny because of this uncommon moment. My parents were divorced and, as you can probably imagine, they didn’t get along very well
But for a few hours, that one afternoon, the fighting stopped and it was just us. My dad, the bunny, his stories, and me!
10.)Who is someone that has helped shape you into who you are today?
I’d have to say both my mom and my grandmother. I got a lot of my quirky personality (good and bad) from these two ladies! My outgoing personality comes from my mom and my stubbornness and hot German temper from my grandmother. Oh, too funny!
That last statement is definitely funny and true, however, my grandmother also taught me how to plan amazing vacations and the infamous “envelope system”. No matter how tight your budget is, you always need to plan for having fun!
11.) Where is somewhere you would like to visit or something you would like to do that you haven’t before?
Going to Italy is definitely high on our bucket list. We will have to plan and create two fabulous adventures; as I have been told that although it can be accomplished it is not a “worthy” trip to go to the North and South in a single 15-day vacation. So, twist my arm, we will have to go twice!

And my Nominees are …
Listed next, are the websites for my Nominees. It is a lovely little mix of genres – lifestyle, travel, food with a sprinkling of my favorite – inspiration. Please check them out and Enjoy!
- https://freethymeliving.com/about-me/
- https://jackieofalltradesblog.com/about/
- https://www.theoppositetravellers.com/about
- https://srcrawford.co.uk/about/
- http://myblogcoffeeandcamera.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html
- https://allyourheartsoulmindstrength.com/about-2/
- https://deannafrancesca.com/about/
- https://beccawierwille.com/about-me/
- https://www.suncreamandsparkles.com/search/label/Lifestyle
- https://www.femenish.com/category/lifestyle/
- http://cynspo.com/about-me/
And my questions for the Nominees:
- Please tell us about yourself and your blog.
- Can you tell me a few of your strengths that have really helped you with blogging?
- What is your favorite vacation destination? And why?
- How do you manage your time to run your blog efficiently?
- What do you find to be the most frustrating aspect of blogging?
- What is your favorite holiday? And why?
- Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?
- How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
- Are you a “city mouse” or a “country mouse”?
- How would you describe your blogging style?
- What is your favorite part of being a blogger?
I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about me and I look forward to learning a little more about my fellow bloggers!
One of the greatest feelings is, accomplishing something you once thought would be impossible.
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
I loved reading your answers! The trip to Austria sounds so cool and super special! Thank you for the nomination as well! I’ll be working on my answers soon too. 🙂
It really was…I must go back, it was beautiful!!
I look forward to reading your answers, that’s the best part of these awards‼
Wow, so interesting to find out more about you and a huge thank you for the nomination
Thank you!
You are most welcome!! I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s answers.
Have a great day❣