The Blogger Recognition Award~Why I started blogging

This particular post is going to be a little different than my usual, but I do hope it will provide a little insight into how Rise Love Live was born.

I am so proud and so excited – I have been nominated for “The Blogger Recognition Award“!!

I would like to thank Diana @thislifeasD for nominating me for this award.

Her writing is easy to read and provides an honest perspective.  I was perusing her stories and came across her post on how Van Gogh is an inspiration to her and it stood out to me for two reasons. The first, Van Gogh was one of my grandmother’s favorite artists – she had a copy of “Sunflowers” in her (now my) sunroom. The second, Diana shares with us that she has been writing since she was 5, that shows true passion – please enjoy her blog!

Who Inspires Me: Vincent Van Gogh

About the Award

Similar to the Actors Guild, The Blogger Recognition Award provides peer to peer support and the award is given by bloggers to other bloggers. This award is an avenue of acknowledging the hard work and talent of our fellow bloggers and allows their stories to be showcased and shared amongst a wider audience.

There are just a few rules that the nominees must follow

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post on your site displaying the award and describe why you started your blog.
  3. Write two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  4. Nominate and notify 15 more bloggers.

My advice

Have you been thinking about starting a blog? Then, jump right in and take the risk! But please know that it will be a bit of hard work AND you really do need to have some sort of technical background and/or understanding. If you don’t have that, do not be discouraged there are plenty of folks out there who do!

Most importantly, write with passion. Write about what makes your heartbeat, write about what is important to you. Share your knowledge, your skills, your experiences (as scary as they may seem to you), share your yummy recipes!

Be scared, it’s okay! Use that fear to drive you to do what you feel you MUST do and don’t let that fear paralyze you.

Why I started my blog

Writing and creating a blog has been on my bucket list for at least 2 or 3 years and as fate would have it, I was laid off at the end of 2018 and in turn, I had all the time in the world.

Like, Diana, I have been writing since I was young – not as young, I was 15. And I was going through the usual icky things (and then some) that teens go through and I found an outlet in poetry.

As an adult, it continued with journaling. Writing pages and pages of my feelings, prayers or what I happened to be going through in my life. So, you could say that I’m not often at a lack for words.

One day, a FREE 5-day Blogging Blast Off course popped into my Facebook feed and I thought why not?!?

RISE LOVE LIVE – the Niche – the Name

Once I committed to the project, the first homework assignment was to determine a niche and a name for my site. I already knew that I wanted to share stories of inspiration and guiding us on a journey of “becoming the best version of me [you]”. And at the same time, the world seemed to be in emotional chaos.

I was brainstorming one Sunday afternoon and the innocent 5-year old in me thought “why can’t we all just get along”? I shared my ideas with my husband and we spent the afternoon toying with words and the title and catchphrase came to life.

Rise to the Occasion || Love Everyone || Live a Life Worth Living.

The rest, friends, is history.

And the Nominees are …

The nomination for this award came via Twitter. Even though I am still growing my “following” and learning the platform, there are many friends who are super supportive and I found it difficult to put my list together.

Without further ado here are my nominees (in no particular order).

Please take some time to check out their blogs! There is a variety of genres so hopefully, you will find a handful to enjoy!

Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!

PS: If you are interested in learning more, here are the tools that I used to get started!

Affiliate Disclosure: The links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission or discount if you click through and make a purchase. Please reference our Disclosure Policy.

If the idea of starting a blog sounds interesting to you and you have motivational, travel/adventures, DIY tips/tricks or maybe recipes to share. I highly recommend that you try out the 5 Day Start A Money Making Blog Crash Course brought to you by It’s a Lovely Life, Heather & Pete Reese

As mentioned above, the course is free and provides the perfect insight into what it takes to start a blog.

How it works, you will receive one video each day (you guessed it, over 5 days) and you navigate the course at your own pace. There is also a supportive Facebook group that you can join.

I was so excited about my progress, that I decided to purchase their Blogging Blastoff Course – this is just one of the monthly programs that they offer. Here is a catalog of their courses.

As I followed their program, I used their suggested tools and advice, for example –

  • I purchased my Webhosting (domain and site functionality) through Bluehost
  • My email list is collected and saved via Constant Contact.
  • And I use Tailwind to schedule my Instagram and Pinterest posts.
  • And I use Canva to quickly and easily create beautiful pics for my posts and Social Media platforms – Try Canva Pro Today!

The 30-day course is also set-up for you to complete at your own pace.

I am so pleased that I found Heather and Pete, they provided bite-sized steps, which enabled me to easily make my blogging dream a reality!

I hope you enjoyed my story – until next time!

3 thoughts on “The Blogger Recognition Award~Why I started blogging

  1. I am so thankful!! I’m pretty sure that’s how we met, was through all their courses. I’m glad we met because your just as supportive as I am, and it make “US” successful! I love the title, by the way! One question, if you don’t mind, do you love Tailwind?

  2. Oh fun, I think you’re right!! Yes I am super thankful for you! I love tailwind super easy to use and it’s set and go!

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