An internal monologue …
Ahh, my annual tradition of an evening stroll through Central Park
Oops, watch that puddle.
Oh, how I do wish that Mary would walk with us on these beautiful nights, through the park, but I guess the chill in this night air is simply too cold for her old bones nowadays.
So it’s just you and me, Charlie. You really do love our special walks, don’t you, good boy? I’m truly grateful that you are still so spry!
I sometimes wonder if I’m the only person in the world who can walk through Central Park and see something different each day.
I have to say that my most favorite time for a walk is definitely the first evening of spring. I always welcome this day with open arms – it means that the warm days of summer are just a few weeks away! Although, by tonight’s breeze, you would never know it …. Brrr.
I know that Mary worries about me on my walks, all alone, but walking at dusk – not dark – is better. Unfortunately, the park is so different from days gone by, but I do take delight in my quiet time none-the-less!
Out here all alone … well along with you, of course, Charlie … I can walk at my own pace, stop for as long as a wish, gaze over the bridge, then sit, be still and listen to the sounds of the evening.

Everything is so peaceful, even with the cars racing to get home.
The City has always had a special place in our hearts – I can remember, years ago, coming here on the weekends and for day trips. We’d say to each other, “Someday we will live here …”. The memories I hold so dear and close to my heart feel like yesterday, but we have been blessed to say that our “someday” has arrived.
And now, every day, I walk in Central Park – with Charlie.
I think Charlie enjoys that we mix up the path each time, but like me, he looks forward to our special journey, which is always the same on the first evening of spring!
Charlie, my sweet pup, if only you could read my mind. You would hear my thoughts wandering and bouncing between our moment walking now, compared to my memories from years ago, as we walk past the zoo.
I remember as if it was yesterday, she would get so excited – just like a child – when the animals would “interact” with us. She thought she was communicating with them – I just let her enjoy herself and the moment.
We would continue our walk over to the Boat House, and each of us would have a glass of wine. From there, a sweet kiss on the bridge, ending with a picnic lunch under the trees.
We were so young; we could walk the entire park in one day! Alas, those days have gone by.
I think that is why this particular walk, on the first evening of spring, is so important to me. Shucks, I just had a funny little “aha” moment – I do hope I remember to write that down when we get home!
Gosh, with such a chill in the air this evening, it certainly doesn’t surprise me that all the animals have tucked themselves in for a good night’s sleep! No one is chattering with me tonight.
Ohh that wind, I’ve got to fix my scarf and close up my collar.
Here, Charlie, let’s sit for a moment.
Breathe in the night air, breathe out the day … Breathe in the cold, new air, breathe out the hot old air … Breathe in all the possibilities of spring, breathe out the worn memories of winter … Breathe in the night air, and breathe out the day.
Mary taught that to me – she’s always so good with her journaling and mediation.
Okay Charlie, let’s continue … hmmm, where to next? Oh my, we’ve come so far; I hope Mary isn’t worried about us!
Here we are at The Boat House; it’s still too early for the paddle boats to come out – they are all tucked away in their winter coats of bubble wrap and plastic tarps.
I still like to walk to the end of the pier, though, and see if any ducks or swans are swimming about. I know Charlie would love to jump in and swim with them, but I think it’s even too cold for him just yet!
Oh boy, I can feel that breeze against my face this time with a surprising spray of water… let’s move along and leave this little spot.
I wonder if they would let Charlie and me in?!?
We could sneak over and sit in the corner … maybe no one would even notice there was a dog in the restaurant?!?
Oops – even through the glass door, I can see a loud resounding “no” behind that slanted look in the maitre-d’s eyes. No worries, Jack! We’ll be back when it’s warm enough for outdoor seating!
Well, it’s getting late, and the evening air is beginning to chill my cheeks – time to loop back to the south side of the Park.
These walks are so good for us and help me stretch my old tired legs before heading to bed. It certainly makes me appreciate our morning sunny walks even more.
Good-night sweet animals we will see you another day.
Okay, here we are back to reality and the hustle and bustle of the streets – let’s see which way do I want to head back home? Ah, yes, let’s take W. 58th Street.
I truly adore living in the city – especially for the fact that we can walk just about anywhere, but I know that the streets and sidewalks are hard on Charlie’s paws, so I like to find him as many little spots of grass and places to stop, sit and rest.
Here we go, home sweet home. Oh, I hope that Mary has poured us a glass of wine or a cup of tea!
Why is Charlie giving me such a funny look?
Oh, yes, I remember now – we lost our sweet Mary just a few months ago.
It’s still so fresh and new that I still expect her to be waiting for us – with open arms when we are done with our evening walk through the park.
Until next time … Peace and Blessings, Friends!
Dance above the surface of the world. Let your thoughts lift you into creativity that is not hampered by opinion.
Red Haircrow

I’d like to thank for the inspiration for this short story and this writing prompt!
Write a story about someone walking through a park on a spring evening, told only through internal monologue.
Reedsy Creative Writing Prompts